At McKay Healing Arts we understand that there are a range of different types of back pain. We have been treating upper and lower back pain with acupuncture for over 20 years. We understand that chronic pain relief is a necessity for quality of life.
We treat back pain with Acupuncture and Qigong for the following causes:
- Muscle or ligament strain.
- Bulging, ruptured Herniated disks.
- Arthritis.
- Skeletal irregularities.
- Osteoporosis.
- Kidney Problems
So many individuals use Chiropractors and medical doctors that specialize in the spine to treat back pain in Wilmington NC. Acupuncture and Qigong have been being practiced for over 2000 years. We are the little-hidden acupuncture secret in Wilmington, NC. Mckay Healing Arts is the chosen alternative to chiropractors and traditional medical doctors in New Hanover and Brunswick County NC. We are
Just in case you were wondering…
“Acupuncture is an effective and safe form of treatment for many forms of chronic pain.”
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center conducted a study confirming what practitioners have known for years. The study, which examined raw data from previous high-quality studies and aimed to correct the methodological problems that have plagued many researchers until now, involved nearly 18,000 patients and took over six years to complete.
The results of this comprehensive study suggest that if you suffer from chronic pain, such as migraines, back pain, or arthritis, you are likely to benefit from acupuncture treatment.
So if you have been treated by a Wilmington NC chiropractor for pain management or you are taking pain medicine (opiates) and still aren’t getting the desired back pain relief you should make an appointment with McKay Healing arts and schedule a consult for acupuncture.