Medical Qigong
What is Medical Qigong?
In China, Medical Qigong is a primary form of medicine and is offered right alongside of Western Medicine. Medical Qigong is the Father of the more modern Acupuncture and it is sometimes referred to as Acupuncture without needles. Medical Qigong is being referred to around the world as a miracle medicine because so many people have experienced amazing healing results.
Please Note: Medical Qigong is a form of Alternative Medicine here in the United States and is in now way a replacement for Western Medicine. Please contact your physician first about any health issue you are having.
Healing Support
Medical Qigong is Very Effective in Offering Healing Support for:
- stress
- anxiety
- depression
- headaches
- stomach distress
- fatigue
- chronic fatigue
- sports injuries
- pre and post sports activity
- pre and post surgery
- back pain
- neck pain
- menstrual issues
- morning sickness
- fertility issues
- fibroids
- fibromyalgia
- hemorrhoids
- gynecological issues
- mysterious illness
- and more…
Schedule A Healing Sessions
To Schedule a Private In- Person Healing Session:
Call McKay Healing Arts at 910-791-1981 or you can schedule online at: https://mckayacupuncture.com/appointment/
To Schedule to attend a Group Healing Clinic:
Call McKay Healing Arts at 910-791-1981 or you can schedule online at: https://mckayacupuncture.com/appointment/
These sessions support the healing of pain, illness, disease and difficult-to-heal conditions. Medical Qigong Sessions also provide healing for chronic fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma.
Feel free to follow us on Facebook to stay connected. Contact us now for more details about this service or Schedule an Appointment here.